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Healthy Cities of the Czech Republic

VIII-X/2016 (EN)

Information and updates

KAUNAS, Lithuania: Goals of Sustainable Development and Health 2020 Connected in the Practice of Healthy Cities and Healthy Regions

On 22-23 September 2016, the Lithuanian town of Kaunas hosted the 23rd meeting of the Regions for Health Network. This association is the offshoot of the international Healthy Cities Network and its national associations, which will celebrate its 30th anniversary next year.

Operating under the aegis of the World Health Organisation, both networks share similar objectives and working methods, which include e.g. systemic health promotion and concrete practical application in connection with sustainable development, promoting cooperation among various sectors and different levels of public administration, educational and training activities, sharing of good practices and evaluating impacts of particular projects. One of the conference themes was the discussion on greater cooperation and interconnecting ongoing or planned activities of both the networks.


In October, Healthy Cities Are Hosting Traditional Health Days Campaign

The traditional Health Days Campaign in Czech Republic celebrating healthy lifestyles took place mostly in the first half of October. The diversity of themes and involvement of expert partners in various towns make it one of the biggest events to promote healthy lifestyles in the Czech Republic.  

The main goal of Health Days campaign is to inform citizens in an interesting way about how to care for your health properly and prevent health problems, and at the same time, offer citizens activities which could contribute to their long-term physical and mental well-being.  


Sustainable Development Gallery is being updated with Inspirations and Good Practices

It has been nine months since the Czech Healthy Cities Network launched a specialized online portal devoted to 11 sustainability topics called the SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GALLERY. Since then, the Gallery became a recognized and more and more visited information portal where interesting information from towns and municipalities can be found – examples of good practice and particular "brief inspirations", links to themes contained in strategies and policies, specialized sustainable development audits, contacts and links to other interesting domestic and foreign information sources.


500 Thematic Strategic Documents in the Czech Database of Strategies

The number of strategies registered in the Czech national Database of Strategies reached a record number of 500 documents. Since its launch in November 2011, the Database has achieved more than 40,000 visits. During trial commenting on the document "Czech Republic 2030" through the Database, 385 of public comments were presented to the Government Office in August 2011. The number of visits increased fivefold in comparison to the average of visits in previous months.  


Coming soon

Czech Healthy Cities Network Conference on SUSTAINABLE CITY 2016, 1st December 2016

On 1st December 2016, Czech Healthy Cities Network will host the 23rd nationwide conference on SUSTAINABLE CITY 2016 at the Prague hotel Jalta. The conference will focus on sharing of best practices in municipalities, towns and regions, and the topics related to the quality of local authorities, public involvement, planning and management, and international cooperation.  The second day of the conference will follow with an expert seminar on quality management methods in towns and regions.


The Newsletter is published by Healthy Cities of the Czech Republic, contact: HCCZ Office.
HCCZ Newsletter is available at https://www.healthycities.cz/newsletter
The photographs used come from the HCCZ and its members archives.
© HCCZ, 2016

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